Sunday, February 23, 2014

New Blog/Cascade Rd.

     Today is the first day I've had this blog so I figured I would start off with a post.  Since the weather hasn't been great It's been a while since I've made it out to take some shots.
Setup at the bottom of the cascade.
     A few weekends ago I was pulled over at a lookout point on the side of the road.  It had recently snowed and was hoping for a clearing in the clouds during sunset.  After setting up an older guy pulled in and we started talking about places around the area to shoot, we had no luck on the clouds clearing but he pulled out his phone and showed me a few pictures of a waterfall I had never seen.  He told me that it was only a quarter mile from where we were. Oddly enough I pass by the path everyday on the way home from work and have always wondered where it went.  
      The next day I packed up my gear and headed out.  I pulled off the side of the road where I had always seen cars parked, I was the only one there.  I threw my headphones in, grabbed my pack and headed in. The trail started in an open field heading towards the tree line, as I grew closer to the evergreens the trail began to narrow into a small single track weaving around large limbs weighed down by ice and snow. After about 500 feet the trail opened up to a ravine and about 30 feet down was the river.  The top of the cascade was started by what looked like a dam from an old mill that held back a small pond.  It was much bigger than I expected and probably spent a solid 4 hours shooting this stretch of the river and just taking in the location.  The amount of character this area has is incredible, I could spend an entire day there and I will definitely be revisiting this spot in the future!